
“Numbers are the Universal language offered by the Deity to humans as confirmation of the Truth.”

(St. Augustine of Hippo, 354-430)


Numerology is the term used for the belief in the Mystical, Esoteric relationship between numbers and living things, physical objects, ideas, and concepts. Known to be one of the most ancient symbolic sciences, Plato called it “the highest level of knowledge.”


The Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese and Kabbalists considered numerology to be an essential part of the construction of the universe.


There are many skeptical views about Numerology. Numerology should not be dismissed lightly. For example, many Hindus families will not name their child unless the Numerology forms a harmonious relationship with their Astrological sign.

Pythagoras said that “Numbers rule all things,” and agreed with the ancient Chinese belief that Numerology somehow held the key to understanding the connection between worlds of spirit and matter, man and God, and the Microcosm and Macrocosm.

The I Ching provides hints to this correlation. Pythagoras expanded on the facts that mathematics, music, architecture, and color all resonated together in a harmonious balance that numbers could help explain and define.

Numerology doesn’t remove numbers from their practical role as defined by mathematics but enhances their status as arbiters of a greater truth.

Many of the ancient truths associated with numbers can be traced back to the Chaldeans, were not recognized by the early Christian Church, who viewed this ancient art with the same distrust that was applied to astrology and other forms of “magick.” Over time, the Church systematically undermined many of the concepts of numerology and so its mysteries were largely lost to time. Even so, a little of its knowledge has been reconstructed for use today by all who wish to learn.

 Numbers as Frequencies

•What are the Spiritual Meanings of Numbers?

•The essence and flow of the energy of numbers fills the universe, a cosmic dance formulating mathematical equations that bring into manifestation the energy of our visions.

• Each and everything in the Universe holds a mathematical signature, emitting a melody or tone, and together these numbers comprise a symphony that plays throughout the cosmos, giving each number and note a beautiful and unique spiritual vibration, and meaning.

•Numerology is one of the most sacred holistic arts of the ancient peoples of the earth.


Number Meanings