Tarot Symbolism

To fully understand and integrate the symbolism of the Tarot, it is imperative that you have a foundational knowledge of its symbolism. Tarot is a mirror reflection of the psychology that resides within us all. Carl Jung’s work on Archetypes is a major player in the understanding of the 22 Major Arcana. These archetypes are meant to be integrated and implemented into the psyche to spiritually ascend and become whole and reunite with source. The following subjects of foundational knowledge needed are as follows: Psychology, Alchemy, Astrology, Elements, Numerology, Philosophy and Color Symbolism. Knowledge and study of Schools of Gnostic thought, Hermetics, Kabbalah and Occult Philosophy will contribute to the purpose and true meaning of the Tarot and give you a very well rounded understanding of the purpose and use of Tarot in its true form.


The Tarot