Bears, Dreams, & Native Symbolism

More than a month ago I had a dream of bears. In the dream, I was sitting in a familiar shopping center parking lot located right off the highway. The parking lot is empty and there is no one to be seen. I look up towards the hill, where the exit ramp is, to notice some bears making their way down. As I watched them calmly walking down the road, they were joined by even more bears who were coming from the same general vicinity.

The bears were coming in large masses, almost like a migrating herd. I watched them come and go; walking by me as if I weren’t there. My lucid mind stays alert to note their behavior and my surroundings because I know I need to remember this dream. There was nothing dramatic about the bears or the dream. It was very somber, and I was merely an invisible observer.

When I woke up from the dream, I made sure to write it down in my dream journal, making sure to express my own thoughts and feelings as I watched their ‘migration’ as it were. Afterwards, I did a quick search for native bear symbolism to assist me to finding what the dream was trying to tell me.

What needs to be noted is the behavior of the bears, the number of bears, the feelings and thoughts I had in the dream, and if the dream was specifically for me, as in pertaining to my day-to-day life, or if it was ‘taking the temperature’ of the state of things (world, community, society, etc).

Within native symbolism, “The bear holds significant cultural and spiritual symbolism for many Native American tribes. It is often associated with strength, courage, healing abilities, and the power of introspection.” - The Symbolic Significance of Bears in Native American Culture: Unveiling the Deep Meaning (

Also, “the bear represents authority, good medicine, courage, and strength. The bear is said to be a healer and protector. Like a mother bear protects her young, it is said that leaders who possess bear medicine stand up for what is right and fight for what is good and true.” - Native American Animals: the Bear (Mato) is a gift to Mother Earth and her people (

“The bear is seen as a spiritual guide that provides guidance and wisdom, but it also carries deep emotional significance for many Native American communities. One of the pain points associated with the Native American meaning of the bear is the loss of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.” - Unmasking the Mystic power: Native American Bear Symbolism - Native Tribe Info

This dream could be a personal message for myself, but also, for the state of society in general. The bears returning in numbers could represent spiritual / ancestral guidance and wisdom, bringing with them the “traditional knowledge and cultural practices” of the ancestors. The “mother bear” spirit as a healer and protector coming “home” once again to protect and provide for her “cubs”. Overall, the symbolism of the bear and its message is a positive and powerful one for us all.