Planetary Herbalism: Unconventional Wisdom for Understanding the Planetary Natures
Herbs of Venus:
Mallow, Rose (White or Pink), Hibiscus, Lady’s Mantle, Plantain, Lotus (Nelumba spp), Orris Root, Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Amaranths, Sumac, Red Root, Squirting Cucumber, Strawberry (Wild and Cultivated), Goldenseal, Raspberry, Love Dodder, Mimosa Pudica (Touch-Me-Not), Albizziae Julibrissia (Mimosa Tree), Silk-Cotton Tree, Benzoin, Vanilla, Pansies,
Temperature: Warm-Neutral-Cool
Taste: Sweet, Sour, Mucilaginous, Herbaceous, Juicy, Watery, Floral
Nature: Big Showy Flowers, Vigourous very verdant plants, fast growing, usually not long lived (even the perennials), colonising, fragrant, Red-Pink-White, fruiting
Fragrance: Strong, Fruity/Floral, Temporal (fades quickly when dried)
Medicinal Actions: Cooling, Nourishing, Vulnerary, Anti-Septic, Cardiac, Uro-Genital, Female Reproduction, Skin, Styptic, Astringent, Mucilaginious, Soothing, Vitamin C
Spiritual Uses: Best for Bathing, Dyeing (oils, fabrics), Growing (Gardening is an action of Venus).
Planetary Nature: Subtle, Enhances the Feminine nature of the spheres
Herbs of the Sun:
Calendula (official), Marigold (Tagetes), Calamus, Cinnamon, Angelica spp, Cedar/Thuja, Ginger, Black Pepper, Rosemary, Bay Laurel, Frankincense, Columbine, Orange (fruit, bark, flower), Lemon, Rue, Reishi, Asafoetida, White Mustard, Celadine, Saffron,
Temperature: Warm-Hot
Taste: Salty, Acrid, Bitter, Spicy, Warm
Nature: Vigourous, White-Red-Orange, Highly Fragrant, Stimulating, Phototoxic, Tall, Long Lived / Self-Pollinating /Self-Seeding
Fragrance: Spicy, Warm, Oriental, Bitter, Pungent, Timeless (retains frangrance even when dried).
Medicinal Action: Neuro-protective, Stomachic, Analgesic, Dispersing, activating, blood, acute infection, diaphoretic, sudoforic, anti-microbial, irritant, photo-sensitising
Spiritual Uses: Incense, Bathing (mindful of photosensitising effects), Dyeing, Floor Sweep, Charms, Success, Cleansing, Protection.
Planetary Nature: Powerful, enhances the six primary spheres,
Herbs of Saturn:
Pokeberry (Phytolacca), Elder (Sambucus Spp), Mullein, Qing Dai (Calcined Woad Powder), Cypress, Bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), Scammony/High John Root, Solomon’s Seal (Polygonum Odoratum), Smartweed/Bistort, Woad (many kinds of False Indigos i.e. Baptisia are also Saturnian), Yew, Woodland Violet, Job’s Tears, Myrrh, Hemp Root. Hemp-Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum), Blackberry (leaves, thorn, root), Earthsmoke.
Temperature: Cool or Cold, Dry
Taste: Easily confused with toxic planets (caution), bitter, sweet, earthy, herbaceous
Nature: Marginal, Shade loving, damp woodland conditions, often mistaken for its toxic cousins, potent- may cause purging, slow growing, fruiting, black-purple and white-yellow. tough plants, easy to transplant or use a cutting to grow, long lived, colonising.
Fragrance: Musk, Earthy, Rich, Opium, Pungent
Medicinal Action: Nourishing, Tonifying, Dispersing, Bones, Oncological, Debility, Masses, Tumours, Lymphatic, Gall/Spleen, Anaesthetic, Wasting Diseases (Diabetes),
Spiritual Uses: strong against sorcery, thieves, and spirits. Can be Impeccatory.
Planetary Nature: Very Potent, inhibited by Mars, Takes some time to access, but once you understand it, can overcome major obstacles.
Herbs of Mars:
Nettle, Yarrow, Bloodroot, Cayenne, Chili, Clove, Mace, Dragon’s Blood resin, Guinea Pepper, Cardamom, Coriander, Cumin, Basil (both Holy and Official), Ashwagandha, Garlic, Tumeric, Japanese Knotweed, Guineahen Weed (Petiveria Allicea), Thistles , Madder, Rhubarb, Nasturtium
Temperature: Very Warm-Hot, Dry
Taste: Spicy, Pungent, Bitter, Acrid, Inflammatory
Nature: Vigourous Plants with Showy Flowers, Usually Fragrant or Pungent (or both), Irritant/Urticaria to touch, Pink-Red-Orange, Seeds or Root, Fast Growing, Near Tropical or Tropical Zone (Prefers Warm Climate), Hard to Eliminate.
Fragrance: Spicy, Pungent, Irritant, Acrid, Sulfuric
Medicinal Actions: Styptic, Astringent, Irritant Blood, Kidneys, Venomous Bites/Stings, Urticaria (causes), Irritant, Anodyne, Nutritive, Libido, Counteracts Toxicity.
Spiritual Uses: Teas, Food, Tincture, Impeccatory acts, Protection and Strength.
Planetary Nature: Firey, explosive, short lived. neutralised by Venus.
Herbs of Mercury:
Fennel, Spearmint, Lemongrass, Vetiver, Palmarosa, Cinquefoil, Devil’s Shoestring (Viburnum Spp.), Wood Betony, Sweet Gum, Mastic, Spicebush, Lavender, Joe Pye/Gravelroot, Marjoram, Woodruff, Cleavers, Pineapple Weed, Caraway, Dill, Coltsfoot, Pine pollen, Moneywort, Trefoil, Honeysuckle, Groundsel, Licorice, Broomstraw, Catnip, Anis seeds.
Temperature: True Neutral (Slightly Warm or Cool)
Taste: Astringent, Sweet, Floral, Fragrant
Nature: Shrubby, Creeping, found on Paths and Roads, Yellow-White-Pink-Lavender, Wandering (shows up far from cultivated areas), humble but plentiful flowers, almost always safe to wild-harvest and consume,
Fragrance: Floral-Herbaceous, Soft, Licorice, Fresh, Coumarin
Medicinal Action: Astringent, Nervine, Analgesic, Upper Respiratory, Calmative, Lymphatic, Anti-Spasmodic, Headaches, Stomachic, Anti-Toxic, Anodyne
Spiritual Uses: All. Best for Abre Camino (Road Opening- Candles, Baths, Floor, Incense etc), Very Lucky, Gambling. Friendship.
Planetary Nature: Subtle but Strong, inhibited by the Moon, flexible, multi-faceted, plays well with others, growing undetected.
Herbs of the Moon:
Eucalyptus, Eyebright, Chamomile, Star Anise, Peony (White, Root), Limes, Poppy (Oriental + California), Milkweed, Lily (Madonna), Blue Lotus, Starwort, Lunaria Annua (Moonwort), Moonflower (Ipomea), Heuchera (Coral Bells), Horsemint, Sweetpea, Mugwort, Irish Moss, Sweetpea, Willow, Birch, Camphor, Wintergreen, Hydrangea
Temperature: Cool-Very Cold
Taste: Menthol, Anodyne, Fruity, Sour
Nature: Long-lived, Medium Sized, Medium growing, small colonies, frequently cultivated (indoor/outdoor), white-indigo, pale yellow, silvery leaf, loves water or damp areas, shade tolerant, fragrant, high volatile essential oil content.
Fragrance: Strong, Floral, Menthol, Sweet, Opiate
Medicinal Action: Anodyne, Analgesic, Neurological, Lower Respiratory, Mucilaginious, Soothing, Cooling, Anti-Phlegmatic, Expectorant, Anti-Diarrheal, Laxative, Good for toxic internal waters.
Spiritual Uses: Teas, External, Incense, Smudge, Dreams, Luck, Family, Second Sight, Cleansing, Strong against Ghosts.
Planetary Nature: Subtle, Malleable, Easily Accessible
Herbs of Jupiter:
Nutmeg, Oak, Blueflag (Iris), Agrimony, Compass Flower, Herbe Robert (Geum), Self-heal, Anis-Hyssop, Hyssop Official, Salvia spp, Chapparal, Milk thistle, Carnation (Dianthus-Clove), Valerian, Wormwood, Elecampagne, Boldo, Comfrey, Cascara Sagrada, Juniper, Yellow Dock, Centaury, Chicory, Figwort, Chelone Glabra (Turtleshead), Sarsaparilla, Sassafras
Temperature: Neutral (Without Extremes), Slightly Warm, Slightly Cool.
Taste: Acrid, Bitter, Herbal, Fragrant
Nature: Prolific, Often Wild colonies, Proud, Handsome, Prominent Flowers, Blade Leaves, Yellow roots, Purple-White-Yellow, fragrant, pungent, some love or loathe the scents,
Fragrance: Woodsy, Spicy, Pungent, Herbal
Medicinal Action: Many, but prominently associated with the liver: hepa-protective, hepa-repairative. laxative, cholagogic, anti-scruphola, stomachic, digestive, sedative, anti-toxic, lymphatic, gastro-intestinal, purgative, anti fungal, anti parasitical,
Spiritual Uses: Wealth, Cleansing, Health, Mastery, Invocation
Planetary Nature: Powerful, Inhibited by Saturn, Able to do many things