The Kabbalah of Evangelion

“Sever Aquarius from your Grasp

Of pleasure, purity, and his wrath

Maiden whose blood runs hallow

A Red Sea Tempest

a World so fallow

Lightning may tear space asunder

But only she can dream

the tears of Diamonds into Thunder


Hideaki Anno’s seminal “Evangelion” series (1998) is replete in the symbolism of hermesticism (especially tarot and alchemy) and the kabbalistic tree of life. Anno uses astrology, colour, concept and name to bring to life his mythopoetic universe. Many have attempted interpretations of the Jungian and psychoanalytical themes in the series, because in a superficial viewing, the psychological states of the characters have considerable effect on the outcome of plot events, and become full story lines in and of themselves. However, as Jung used metaphysical symbolism to understand psychology (and vice versa) it is possible to read the series from the understanding of its magic(k)al themes, whether Anno intended them to retain both their allegorical and esoteric coding - I argue he does! (under construction)


Tantric Pantheon/Kabbalah Audio Presentations